Benchmarking programming languages and web frameworks
Rocket (Rust)
Rocket is a web framework for Rust that makes it simple to write fast, secure web applications without sacrificing flexibility or type safety. It is known for its extensive use of Rust's advanced features such as code generation and ensures that your web applications are type-safe and thread-safe.
This benchmark tests how fast a framework can perform concurrent HTTP requests, I/O operations, and JSON de/serialization.
Rust is a modern, systems-level programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency sponsored by Mozilla Research.
Rust provides memory safety without using garbage collection, employing a unique system of ownership with rules that the compiler checks at compile time. This language is designed to create high-performance applications with a high degree of control over system resources and memory usage. Rust's rich type system and strict compile-time checks eliminate common bugs such as null pointer dereferencing and data races, making it ideal for use in everything from embedded devices to large-scale systems and complex software.